

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Can you see the door?

TEHILLIM (Psalm 119:121-128)

ע (Ayin)

121 - 122

I have done what is just and right; don't abandon me to my oppressors. Guarantee your servant's well-being; don't let the arrogant oppress me.

123 - 124

My eyes fail from watching for your salvation and for [the fulfillment of] your righteous promise.
Deal with your servant in accordance with your grace, and teach me your laws.

125 - 126

I am your servant; give me understanding, so that I can know your instruction. The time has come for Adonai to act, because they are breaking your Torah.

127 - 128

Therefore I love your mitzvot more than gold, more than fine gold. Thus I direct my steps by [your] precepts; every false way I hate.

TEHILLIM (Psalm 119:25 - 32)

ד (Dalet)

25 - 26

I lie prostrate in the dust; revive me, in keeping with your word. I told you of my ways, and you answered me; teach me your laws.

27 - 28

Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wonders. I am melting away from anxiety and grief; renew my strength, in keeping with your word.

29 - 30

Keep deceitful ways far from me, and favor me with your Torah. I choose the way of trust; I set your rulings [before me].

31 - 32

I cling to your instruction; Adonai, don't let me be put to shame! I will run the way of your mitzvot, for you have broadened my understanding.

"Have you opened up the door of your heart to Yeshua HaMashiach"


Revelation 3:20 here I an standing at the door, knocking, if someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me.

Matthew 24:33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.

Luke 12:36 like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.

John 10:3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

John 14:23 Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

Baruch HaShem
בוב ג'קסון


1.) Complete Jewish Bible (An English Version of the Tanakh [Old Testament]) and B'rit Hadashah (New Testament).

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