

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I am Confusion

I am confusion, I will pour together a new thing, and I will commingle and cause trouble to the institution of marriage. I will stir up doubts and unbelief’s about marriage between a man and a woman. This new thing I will introduce into the minds of the human race, it is an old thing that will be re-established as marriage between members of the same sex. I will stir up the unnatural desires in the minds of the natural man and they shall change their laws and pervert the sacred institution that I AM has created. Homosexual activity and marriages shall be legal. I will wage war on your society and make you except the homosexual agenda, and they will do detestable things. [1]

I will take control of your mind. There will be no more of this being fruitful and multiply, there can be no more populating of the earth. Two males cannot be fruitful and increase the population. Two females cannot be fruitful and increase the population. Gay civil unions and gay marriages cannot produce a living soul. They will use each other up until the day they die. I will use this new thing to depopulate the nations, communities will cease to exist and nation building will be destroyed. Your leadership will be corrupted and pass away. You will no longer fill the earth and subdue it. You will no longer rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air; you will no longer rule over every living creature that moves on the ground. I will educate the minds of the young through entertainment. This new thing will be communicated all over the earth. I shall attack the family by redefining it to include the homosexual itinerary, “my plan”. Young children shall have two fathers and two mothers. I AM's establishment of one man and one woman will no longer exist.  I will control the minds of I AM’s creation.[2]

  I have said in my heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of I AM; and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north. I am a god, “I am god; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas."  I will oppose and will exalt myself over everything that is called god or is worshiped, so that I will sit in I AM's temple, proclaiming myself to be I AM. There is no human who can bring me down to the ground. [3]

I am Leviathan. You cannot catch me with your hooks; nothing on earth is equal to me, I am a creature without fear. I am a reptile with sharp teeth. I will rip you to pieces. I will tear you apart. You will be consumed. I am the fleeing serpent, I am the twisted serpent, as you move about in this world, I am with you, and I am the hidden King over all the children of pride.[4]

[1] Vines Expository, Jude 7-8 (ESV), 2 Peter 2:2 (NIV), Lev. 18:22 (NLT), Rom. 1:27 (NIV), Lev. 20:13 (NIV), (Sears & Olsten, 2003, Chapter 1)
[2] Gen. 9:7 (NASB), Gen. 35:11 (NIV), Gen. 1:28 (NIV), Gen. 9:1 (NIV), (Sears & Olsten, 2003, Chapter 2, 5 &6)
[3] Isa. 14:13 (ASV), Ezek. 28:2 (NIV), 2 Thess. 2:4 (NIV), Obad. 1 :3 (NIV), Luke 10 :18 (ISV), Rev. 12:9 (NIV)
[4] Job 41:1-6,  (NIV), Job 41:30-34 (NIV), Bible Encyclopedia-Leviathan, (Phillips, 2010, Chapter 21), Ps 104:26 (NASB), Isa 27:1 (NIV)